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Author Topic: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation  (Read 31099 times)

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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #95 on: August 11, 2021, 10:21:56 AM »
Nearly all routes are not littered with speed hump this is just just the sort of statement the moaners come up with which just isn't true and which needs continually challenging as a falsehood.
there are only really two primary routes in and out of Marple in terms of getting to the A6 and Hazel Grove or the new A555 Bypass, Windlehurst and Dan Bank. One of them is littered with speed humps!


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #94 on: August 11, 2021, 09:48:44 AM »
So which of the roads without speed humps would you like me to use ?.
As I think nearly all the routes are littered with them.

Potential accident against whom, its usually devoid of anybody when ever I drive along it!.

Nearly all routes are not littered with speed hump this is just just the sort of statement the moaners come up with which just isn't true and which needs continually challenging as a falsehood.


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #93 on: August 10, 2021, 09:48:52 PM »
Did I say it was a cut through?  No.  But you can guarantee some people will complain about it being used as a cut through if traffic increases.

So when the traffic calming measures are removed all will be good and there will be no problems?


No chance at all.

Do you really think they introduced traffic calming measures off their own backs?  No way.

Measures like this get introduced for reasons.  The reasons usually being people complaining and people speeding. So they to solve the problems  Then other people complain about the traffic calming AND THE WHOLE ENDLESS TEDIOUS CYCLE CONTINUES.

Councils don't have the money or the inclination simply to invent schemes for no reason, no matter what any of the "experts" on this forum think.  Removing speed bumps isn't going to solve all the problems.  It will just change them to different problems.

The only, and I repeat ONLY true solution is for people to use cars less and obey speed limits.  But then the "war on motorists" moaners and whiners complain about that.

And so we will have this endless tedious repetitive argument until the end of time

Removing traffic calming and recognising that this is a significant route will solve most of the problems. Speed limit enforcement (if there really is a problem) will deal with the rest. People obeying speed limits is obviously right, although the council does seem obsessed with setting ludicrous limits in places (which should still be obeyed). Personally, I have no intention of using my car less and I suspect that's the case for most people.

The council must know they cannot please everyone. There is no point trying to. In fact it's not at all clear what they think they are doing. I should point out that the decisions made are made by the council as a whole. Even if all the Marple councillors support one course of action, it doesn't mean it will happen, or that the current mess is their fault.


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #92 on: August 10, 2021, 07:43:37 PM »
Firstly, it is not a cut through, unless you describe every road from A to B as a cut through. It is the normal and obvious route to the A6 and indeed was the official diversion route to the A6 when Strines road was closed.

Did I say it was a cut through?  No.  But you can guarantee some people will complain about it being used as a cut through if traffic increases.

Secondly, what is the issue to be solved? The main issue is the ludicrous traffic calming measures which are entirely unnecessary. If speeding becomes a issue, which is possible, if unlikely, then normal enforcement measures should be taken. It's hard to see any other issue which needs a solution.

So when the traffic calming measures are removed all will be good and there will be no problems?


No chance at all.

Do you really think they introduced traffic calming measures off their own backs?  No way.

Measures like this get introduced for reasons.  The reasons usually being people complaining and people speeding. So they to solve the problems  Then other people complain about the traffic calming AND THE WHOLE ENDLESS TEDIOUS CYCLE CONTINUES.

Councils don't have the money or the inclination simply to invent schemes for no reason, no matter what any of the "experts" on this forum think.  Removing speed bumps isn't going to solve all the problems.  It will just change them to different problems.

The only, and I repeat ONLY true solution is for people to use cars less and obey speed limits.  But then the "war on motorists" moaners and whiners complain about that.

And so we will have this endless tedious repetitive argument until the end of time


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #91 on: August 10, 2021, 02:32:16 PM »
For reference and according to parliament the UK is responsible for 1.1% of global emissions!.

And your great idea is to slow everyone down, use more fuel and create more pollution. Great idea!.

And we've not even discussed the addition of ethanol into petrol, which yes reduces co2 but reduces the energy value meaning you use more fuel.


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #90 on: August 10, 2021, 02:04:08 PM »
Is that it you think we should have millions of car journeys just so you can get to work because you can't put yourself out to travel in another way or find employment you can walk to. Is that really the best you can do.


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #89 on: August 10, 2021, 01:50:35 PM »
Because we don't want to be a part of Extinction Rebellion and would actually like to use our vehicles.

You know, to drive to work and earn a wage, most people can't earn money counting paper-clips and shuffling digital paperwork at home.


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #88 on: August 10, 2021, 09:53:45 AM »
Errr no I don't think we do.

Why not?


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #87 on: August 10, 2021, 08:34:59 AM »
Firstly, it is not a cut through, unless you describe every road from A to B as a cut through. It is the normal and obvious route to the A6 and indeed was the official diversion route to the A6 when Strines road was closed.

Secondly, what is the issue to be solved? The main issue is the ludicrous traffic calming measures which are entirely unnecessary. If speeding becomes a issue, which is possible, if unlikely, then normal enforcement measures should be taken. It's hard to see any other issue which needs a solution.
hear hear!


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #86 on: August 09, 2021, 09:22:12 PM »
I said to Jimblob and I say it to you.

What's your answer?  Cos all I see is moaning and grumbling. And I all I see in the future is moaning and grumbling.

Because we all know what will happen if the speed bumps are removed.  It will be someone moaning about people speeding.  About people using it as a cut through.  And we will be having this tedious discussion in some form for decades.

So I ask you now.  What is your solution?
How the hell do we stop having this tedious never-ending conversation?  How do you solve it?  Because you both clearly can solve this better than the highways team.  Well you must be able to because you are both so convinced they are wrong.

Firstly, it is not a cut through, unless you describe every road from A to B as a cut through. It is the normal and obvious route to the A6 and indeed was the official diversion route to the A6 when Strines road was closed.

Secondly, what is the issue to be solved? The main issue is the ludicrous traffic calming measures which are entirely unnecessary. If speeding becomes a issue, which is possible, if unlikely, then normal enforcement measures should be taken. It's hard to see any other issue which needs a solution.


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #85 on: August 09, 2021, 09:15:15 PM »
You do understand that the aim must surely be  to have less vehicle journeys per year don't  you. We are all working to the same objective aren't we? We agree on that at least?

Errr no I don't think we do.


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #84 on: August 09, 2021, 05:58:00 PM »
So which of the roads without speed humps would you like me to use ?.
As I think nearly all the routes are littered with them.

Potential accident against whom, its usually devoid of anybody when ever I drive along it!.


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #83 on: August 09, 2021, 05:43:36 PM »
Quite simply remove all these pointless, expensive and car damaging schemes, that includes road width reduction, speed humps and any other ridiculous ideas.

If your speeding have the police do what they are paid to enforce or cameras, just because some under endowed idiot speeds you cannot force the rest of the population to sit under draconian traffic calming schemes.

Murder is illegal, but you don't have the whole population using plastic cutlery just in case!.

No if you don't  like the road humps go a different way inconvenience yourself a little and really to moan about damage to cars is laughable.  Does that really matter when measured against a potential accident.  If you don't  like the road don't use it and stop moaning.


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #82 on: August 09, 2021, 02:41:32 PM »
I said to Jimblob and I say it to you.

What's your answer?  Cos all I see is moaning and grumbling. And I all I see in the future is moaning and grumbling.

Because we all know what will happen if the speed bumps are removed.  It will be someone moaning about people speeding.  About people using it as a cut through.  And we will be having this tedious discussion in some form for decades.

So I ask you now.  What is your solution?
How the hell do we stop having this tedious never-ending conversation?  How do you solve it?  Because you both clearly can solve this better than the highways team.  Well you must be able to because you are both so convinced they are wrong.
Nice one .


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Re: Windlehurst Road Traffic Calming Measures - Consultation
« Reply #81 on: August 09, 2021, 01:25:50 PM »
Precisely, you choose the most direct and quickest route and without speeding regardless of your mode of transport.