Sorry but I completely disagree, it is situated in what is effectively a small industrial estate, next to two building yards and a coal merchants, the first two at least generate a lot of industrial noise and traffic. The traffic problems are similar to any of the local schools or college, all of which are in residential areas too.
We are all entitled of course to an opinion. The opinion of Stockport’s planners and Viridor in 2007/08 seemingly that they clearly felt this IS a “predominantly residential area” by the inclusion of section 11 CDH1.2 of Stockport’s Unitary Development Plan into the planning application (ref DC-028177) and the associated environmental impact assessment (EIA) that was conducted at the time.
Non-residential development will be permitted in Predominantly Residential Areas where it can be accommodated without detriment to the residential amenity of adjacent dwellings or the residential area as a whole. In particular account will be taken of:
(i) noise, smell and nuisance
(ii) traffic generation and safety and accessibility by sustainable transport modes
(iii) parking
(iv) hours of operation
(v) proximity to dwellings
(vi) the scale of the proposal
(vii) whether or not the character of the area will be changed. Most large-scale, non-residential development will be inappropriate in Predominantly Residential Areas.
In attemtping to mitigate against the above as identified in the EIA, they built 6m sound barriers around the three sides of the site!
Surprising they’d go to all these lengths if they considered it an industrial estate, … In my opinion!