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Author Topic: Covid19 Information Updates  (Read 30911 times)

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Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #153 on: March 13, 2022, 07:00:39 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 11th March. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen significantly to 388.2 (224.6) per 100,000, which is still below the national average of 458.7 (347.6). New cases per day have also risen to 162.7 (94.1). The national rate currently is at 57,117 (36,552). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 6th March were down at 25 (35).

On registered deaths in Stockport, using the measure “covid on the death certificate” there have been 34 (42)in the last six weeks. There is a lag of something like 11 days due to the delay in actual registration paperwork.

The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. Data as at 6th March. End figure in brackets is the actual number of cases

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 473.8/304.6/338.4/270.7/287.6 (17)
Marple and Hawk Green: 454.5/202.0/404.0/269.3/168.3 (10)
Marple and Rose Hill:   548.8/370.4/343.0/192.1/205.8 (15)
High Lane:   628.3/383.9/192.0/244.3/366.5 (21)
Romiley and Compstall: 518.2/259.1/272.1/116.6/401.6 (31)

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #152 on: March 06, 2022, 03:18:28 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 4th March. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has fallen again to 224.6 (266.9) per 100,000, which is below the national average of 347.6 (450.6). New cases per day have also fallen to 94.1 (112). The national rate currently is at 36,552 (31,933). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 27th February were down at 35 (40).

On registered deaths in Stockport, using the measure “covid on the death certificate” there have been 42 (39) in the last six weeks. There is a lag of something like 11 days due to the delay in actual registration paperwork.

The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. Data as at 27th February. End figure in brackets is the actual number of cases

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 609.1/473.8/304.6/338.4/270.7 (16)
Marple and Hawk Green: 639.6/454.5/202.0/404.0/269.3 (16)
Marple and Rose Hill:   727.1/548.8/370.4/343.0/192.1 (14)
High Lane:   628.3/628.3/383.9/192.0/244.3 (14)
Romiley and Compstall: 829.1/518.2/259.1/272.1/116.6 (9)

Government guidance has changed and can be seen here under “Living with Covid”:
You should still isolate  for 5 days after a positive test, and beyond until you have had two successive negative tests. Sadly, deaths continue, so the virus has not gone away. Lateral flow tests are still free for now until 1st April.


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #151 on: February 27, 2022, 08:09:07 PM »
As restrictions are lifted and vaccinations are now increasing slowly, I wonder if it is time to reduce this data soon. I feel that infection rates are still valuable to people but the vaccination rates add little now – although vaccination is still encouraged and being made available readily.

Thank you for sharing these @Malcolm Allan I'm inclined to agree that the vaccine info is of less interest than the infection rates and it has been good to see those steadily falling.

Please do continue with the infection rates for the immediate future.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #150 on: February 27, 2022, 05:52:27 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 25th February. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has fallen again to 266.9 (314.2) per 100,000, which is below the national average of 450.6 (592.50). New cases per day have also fallen to 112 (132). The national rate currently is at 31,933 (51,899). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 21st February were down at 40 (50).
On vaccinations in Stockport Borough, 236, 196 (235,994) have had a first vaccination which is 87.3% (87.3%) of the 18+ population. 223,931 (223,471) have had a second dose which is 84.9% (84.9%) of the 18+population. 179,805 (179,110) have received a booster which is 70.7% (70.5%) of the 18+ population.
On registered deaths in Stockport, using the measure “covid on the death certificate” there have been 39 (36) in the last six weeks. There is a lag of something like 11 days due to the delay in actual registration paperwork.
The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. Data as at 13th February. End figure in brackets is the actual number of cases

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 998.3/609.1/473.8/304.6/338.4 (20)
Marple and Hawk Green: 420.8/639.6/454.5/202.0/404.0 (24)
Marple and Rose Hill:   919.2/727.1/548.8/370.4/343.0 (25)
High Lane:   575.9/628.3/628.3/383.9/192.0 (11)
Romiley and Compstall: 777.3/829.1/518.2/259.1/272.1 (21)
As restrictions are lifted and vaccinations are now increasing slowly, I wonder if it is time to reduce this data soon. I feel that infection rates are still valuable to people but the vaccination rates add little now – although vaccination is still encouraged and being made available readily. 

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #149 on: February 19, 2022, 04:23:35 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 18th February. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has fallen again to 314.2 (485.3) per 100,000, which is below the national average of 592.5 (715.2). New cases per day have also fallen to 132 (205.4). The national rate currently is at 51,899 (41,270). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 13th February were up slightly at 50 (46).
On vaccinations in Stockport Borough, 235,994 (235,684) have had a first vaccination which is 87.3% (87.2% ) of the 18+ population. 223,471 (222,920) have had a second dose which is 84.9% (84.8%) of the 18+population. 179,110 (178,423) have received a booster which is 70.5% (70.2%) of the 18+ population.
On registered deaths in Stockport, using the measure “covid on the death certificate” there have been 36 (32) in the last six weeks. There is a lag of something like 11 days due to the delay in actual registration paperwork.
The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. Data as at 13th February. End figure in brackets is the actual number of cases

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 61.4/998.3/609.1/473.8/304.6 (18)
Marple and Hawk Green: 757.4/420.8/639.6/454.5/202.0 (12)
Marple and Rose Hill:   878/919.2/727.1/548.8/370.4 (27)
High Lane:   436.3/575.9/628.3/628.3/383.9 (23)
Romiley and Compstall: 912.6/777.3/829.1/518.2/259.1 (20)

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #148 on: February 13, 2022, 06:39:16 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 11th February. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has fallen significantly to 485.3 (809.1) per 100,000, which is below the national average of 715.2 (923.2). New cases per day have also fallen significantly to 205.4 (339.1). The national rate currently is at 41,270 (54,095). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 6th February were down slightly at 46 (49).
On vaccinations in Stockport Borough, 235,684 (235,057) have had a first vaccination which is 87.2% (87.1%) of the 18+ population. 222,920 (220,991) have had a second dose which is 84.8% (84.6%) of the 18+population. 178,423 (177,456) have received a booster which is 70.2% (69.8%) of the 18+ population.
Ten pop up sites are available in the week ahead, each open on one day, between the hours of 10.00am and 2.30pm. Details can be found at
On registered deaths in Stockport, using the measure “covid on the death certificate” there have been 32 (30) in the last six weeks. There is a lag of something like 11 days due to the delay in actual registration paperwork.
The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. Data as at 8th February. End figure in brackets is the actual number of cases

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 1489/761.4/998.3/609.1/473.8 (28)
Marple and Hawk Green: 2070/757.4/420.8/639.6/454.5 (27)
Marple and Rose Hill:   1688/878/919.2/727.1/548.8 (40)
High Lane:   1378/436.3/575.9/628.3/628.3 (36)
Romiley and Compstall: 1632/912.6/777.3/829.1/518.2 (40)

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #147 on: February 06, 2022, 09:44:30 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 4th February. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has remained steady at 809.1 (797.5) per 100,000, which is below the national average of 923.2 (947.5). New cases per day are also steady at 339.1 (334.3). The national rate currently is at 54,095 (72,727). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 30th January were down significantly to 49 (104).

On vaccinations in Stockport Borough, 235,057 (234,718) have had a first vaccination which is 87.1% (87.1%) of the 18+ population. 220,991 (220,184) have had a second dose which is 84.6% (84.5%) of the 18+population. 177,456 (176,624) have received a booster which is 69.8% (69.5%) of the 18+ population.

For vaccinations, ten pop up sites are being planned for over the half term break, each open on one day, between the hours of 10.00am and 2.30pm.

I’m occasionally asked about registered deaths in Stockport. The data can be measured differently but using “covid on the death certificate” there have been 30 in the last six weeks. There is a lag of something like 11 days due to the delay in actual registration paperwork.

The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. Data as at 1st February. End figure in brackets is the actual number of cases

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 1912/1489/761.4/998.3/609.1 (36)
Marple and Hawk Green: 2205/2070/757.4/420.8/639.6 (38)
Marple and Rose Hill:   1921/1688/878/919.2/727.1 (53)
High Lane:   2164/1378/436.3/575.9/628.3 (36)
Romiley and Compstall: 2539.2/1632/912.6/777.3/829.1 (64)

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #146 on: January 30, 2022, 07:37:04 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 28th January. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has remained steady at 797.5 (782.1) per 100,000, which is below the national average of 947.5 (925.3). New cases per day are also steady at 334.3 (328). The national rate currently is at 72,727 (74,799). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 23rd January were steady at 104 (109).

On vaccinations in Stockport Borough, 234,718 (234,433) have had a first vaccination which is 87.1% (87.0%) of the 18+ population. 220,184 (219,398) have had a second dose which is 84.5% (84.4%) of the 18+population. 176,624 (175,155) have received a booster which is 69.5% (68.8%) of the 18+ population.

For vaccinations, the Trinity Methodist Church in Bramhall (on the border of Davenport) remains open 7 days a week.

I’m occasionally asked about registered deaths in Stockport. The data can be measured differently but using “covid on the death certificate” the last few weeks were (latest last):

4 – 6 - 1 – 1 – 11.

There is a lag of something like 11 days due to the delay in actual registration paperwork.

The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. Data as at 24th January. End figure in brackets is the actual number of cases

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 2182.7/1912/1489/761.4/998.3 (59)
Marple and Hawk Green: 1666.4/2205/2070/757.4/420.8 (25)
Marple and Rose Hill:   1728.6/1921/1688/878/919.2 (67)
High Lane:   1500.9/2164/1378/436.3/575.9 (33)
Romiley and Compstall: 1619.4/2539.2/1632/912.6/777.3 (60)

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #145 on: January 26, 2022, 11:25:50 AM »
Update on the pandemic (sorry for the delay this week)

Here's the usual update as at Friday 21st January. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has dropped sharply again to 782.1 (1,605.5) per 100,000, which is now below the national average of 925.3 (1,585). New cases per day are also sharply down at 328 (673). The national rate currently is at 74,799 (99,652). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 16th January were down slightly at 109 (113).
On vaccinations in Stockport Borough, 234,433 (233,638) have had a first vaccination which is 87.0% (86.9%) of the 18+ population. 219,398 (217,699) have had a second dose which is 84.4% (84.3%) of the 18+population. 175,155 (172,790) have received a booster which is 68.8% (68.1%) of the 18+ population.
Grants for businesses in the hospitality, leisure and accommodation business are now available via the Stockport MBC main web site. There is the Additional Restrictions Grant and an Omicron Hospitality and Leisure grant potentially available on application.
The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. Data as at 18th January. End figure in brackets is the actual number of cases

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 1133.7/2182.7/1912/1489/761.4 (45)
Marple and Hawk Green: 1060.4/1666.4/2205/2070/757.4 (45)
Marple and Rose Hill:   1015.2/1728.6/1921/1688/878 (64)
High Lane:   977.3/1500.9/2164/1378/436.3 (25)
Romiley and Compstall: 984.6/1619.4/2539.2/1632/912.6 (64)

Malcolm Allan

  • Guest
Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #144 on: January 16, 2022, 05:06:06 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 14th January. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has dropped sharply to 1,605.5 (2,325) per 100,000, which is above the national average of 1,585 (1,878.2). New cases per day are down at 673 (975). This is below the national rate which is at 99,652 (178,250). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 9th January were up slightly at 113 (105).

On vaccinations in Stockport Borough, 233,638 (233,221) have had a first vaccination which is 86.9% (86.8%) of the 18+ population. 217,699 (216,940) have had a second dose which is 84.3% (84.2%) of the 18+population. 172,790 (169,401) have received a booster which is 68.1% (66.7%) of the 18+ population.

The new rules on testing and isolation are summarised as:

If you have a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) which is positive, there is no requirement to have a PCR (but see * below). If you test negative on two successive occasions 24 hours apart you can cease isolation as early as day 6 after a 5th and 6th day negative.

*If you have symptoms you still need to book a PCR.

You still need a PCR in 3 specific cases (if on TTSP, part of a research programme or identified as at special risk). Rules are different for travellers returning to the UK.

The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. Data as at 9th January

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 524.5/1133.7/2182.7/1912/1489 (88)
Marple and Hawk Green: 488.1/1060.4/1666.4/2205/2070 (123)
Marple and Rose Hill:   589.9/1015.2/1728.6/1921/1688 (123)
High Lane:   314.1/977.3/1500.9/2164/1378 (79)
Romiley and Compstall: 699.6/984.6/1619.4/2539.2/1632 (126)

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #143 on: January 09, 2022, 04:53:56 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 7th January. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen sharply again to 2,325 (1,952.8 ) per 100,000, which is above the national average of 1,878.2 (1,335.3).New cases per day is at 975 (839.2). This is below the national rate which is at 178,250.Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 2nd January were up at 105 (54).

On vaccinations in Stockport Borough, 233,221 have had a first vaccination which is 86.8% of the 19+ population. 216,940 have had a second dose which is 84.2% of the 18+population. 169,401 have received a booster which is 66.7% (64.7%) of the 18+ population.

Note the rules on self isolation once tested positive have changed on 22nd December and will change again on 11th January.

The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. The “rates” are per 100,000 population, so comparable with each other. The figure in brackets is the actual number of cases. Data as at 2nd January.

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 524.5/524.5/1133.7/2182.7/1912 (113)
Marple and Hawk Green: 471.3/488.1/1060.4/1666.4/2205 (131)
Marple and Rose Hill:   576.2/589.9/1015.2/1728.6/1921 (140)
High Lane:   383.9/314.1/977.3/1500.9/2164 (124)
Romiley and Compstall: 583.0/699.6/984.6/1619.4/2539.2 (196)


Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #142 on: January 02, 2022, 04:21:44 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 31st December. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen sharply again to 1,952.8 (915.1) per 100,000, which is above the national average of 1,335.3 (934.2).New cases per day is at 839.2 (455). The Omicron variant accounts for 94.5% of positive tests. Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 27th December were up at 54 (21).

I have limited vaccine data this week, but 64.7% (59.9%) of all those aged 18+ have received a booster dose.

The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. The “rates” are per 100,000 population, so comparable with each other. The figure in brackets is the actual number of cases. Data as at 27th December

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 592.2/524.5/524.5/1133.7/ 2182.7 (129)
Marple and Hawk Green: 555.5/471.3/488.1/1060.4/ 1666.4 (99)
Marple and Rose Hill: 562.5/576.2/589.9/1015.2 /1728.6 (126)
High Lane: 471.2/383.9/314.1/977.3/ 1500.9 (86)
Romiley and Compstall: 505.2/712.5/583.0/699.6/984.6/1619.4 (125)

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #141 on: December 27, 2021, 04:08:12 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Thursday 23rd December. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen sharply again to 915.1 (714) per 100,000, which is just below the national average of 934.2 (551.3). New cases per day is at 455 (188 two weeks ago). Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 19th December were up at 21 (17).

The number of people who have received a first dose of the vaccine is 232,235 (231,876) which is 86.7% (86.5%) of the entire 18+ population. 215,476 (214,747) or 84% (83.7%) of the 18+ population have now received two doses. 152,173 (121,546) have received a booster dose which is 59.9% (47.9%) of all those aged 18+. Walk in centres are open this week at the Stockport Hub in Merseyway and at Trinity Methodist in Bramhall.

The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. The “rates” are per 100,000 population, so comparable with each other. The figure in brackets is the actual number of cases. Data as at 19th December

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 643.0/592.2/524.5/524.5/1133.7 (67)
Marple and Hawk Green: 303.0/555.5/471.3/488.1/1060.4 (63)
Marple and Rose Hill: 548.8/562.5/576.2/589.9/1015.2 (74)
High Lane: 192.0/471.2/383.9/314.1/977.3 (56)
Romiley and Compstall: 505.2/712.5/583.0/699.6/984.6 (76)


Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #140 on: December 19, 2021, 12:39:09 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 17th December. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen sharply again to 714 (462.8 ) per 100,000, which is well above the national average of 551.3 (502.1). Sorry I don’t have the data for new cases this week. Last week is was 188 per day. Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 12th December were down at 17 (22).

The number of people who have received a first dose of the vaccine is 231,876 (231,473) which is 86.5% (86.5%) of the entire 18+ population. 214,747 (213,473) or 83.7% (83.5%) of the 18+ population have now received two doses. 121,546 (109,758) which is 47.9% of all those aged 18+ Further information about where and when and who can get vaccinations is on the following web page:

The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. The “rates” are per 100,000 population, so comparable with each other. The figure in brackets is the actual number of cases.

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 372.3/643.0/592.2/524.5/524.5 (31)
Marple and Hawk Green:  336.6/303.0/555.5/471.3/488.1 (29)
Marple and Rose Hill:   644.8/548.8/562.5/576.2/589.9 (43)
High Lane:   279.2/192.0/471.2/383.9/314.1 (18)
Romiley and Compstall: 531.2/505.2/712.5/583.0/699.6 (54)

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #139 on: December 11, 2021, 08:49:11 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 10th December. Last week’s figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen sharply again to 462.8 (392.6) per 100,000, which is still below the national average of 502.1 (447.2). New cases are up at 188 (165) per day. Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 5th December are steady at 22 (21).

The number of people who have received a first dose of the vaccine is 231,473 (230,145) which is 86.5% (86.3%) of the entire 18+ population. 213,473 (212,227) or 83.5% (83.2%) of the 18+ population have now received two doses. 109,758 (93,034) including 94.3% (91.7 %) of the 70+ population have received a booster dose. Boosters are being offered in order of descending age. 
The vaccination walk in centre in Merseyway is offering free covid vaccinations from 10.00am to 3.00pm Thursday to Saturday until 18th December.
The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks, latest last. To help get this in proportion, I am adding at the end the total cases in 7 days to 6th December. Some people last week weren’t sure what this means. Each area has a different population. The “rates” are per 100,000 population, so comparable as a rate of infection. The figure in brackets is the actual number of cases.

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 592.2/490.7/372.3/643.0/507.6/490.7 (29)
Marple and Hawk Green:   656.5/370.3/336.6/303.0/521.8/606.0 (36)
Marple and Rose Hill:   589.9/644.8/644.8/548.8/617.4/644.8 (47)
High Lane:   261.8/261.8/279.2/192.0/383.9/383.9 (22)
Romiley and Compstall: 466.4/492.3/531.2/492.3/738.4./634.8 (49)