I think there needs to be a much wider debate about police and policing than just a knee jerk petition saying we want more police in our area, which is usually at the cost of somewhere else.
There needs to be a debate about why so many communities both geographic and cultural have lost confidence in the police service and the individuals who serve in it particularly its leadership. The lack of transparancy and accountability the institutional racism and homophobia have all caused a gradual withering away of support for the police particularly amongst groups of society which previously could always be expected to support the police.
We should be looking for better policing and better police officers not more of the same.
I think a petitions like this is just popularisim and I would have expected better from #Steve Gribbons. If there are problems in the parks and town centre then yes indeed they need tackling but not by subjecting the rest of us to intrusive intimidating police officers.
I wont be signing and it would appear that very few of the town 20,000 population will either.
The main reason people have lost confidence in the police is that there are so few of them and people don't see them often enough.
I am well aware that the number of police officers available is not something the council can do anything about, but it is the real problem and trying to find others is pointless.
One of the original Peelian Principles is that police success is not judged by numbers of criminals arrested, but by the number of crimes deterred by police presence. This is one of the key issues. Another key principle is the police are well known to the public and the public are well known to the police, as the went to the same schools, live in the same streets etc and have lived alongside them all their lives and are not only police officers, but friends with the people they protect.
These principles seems to have been lost, but we can't blame the council for that. No about of surgeries or victim support can substitute for this problem. Victim support is important, but ensuring there are no victims is more important.