Marple Neighbourhood Forum has produced the MARPLE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN and it is now ready for your review! What is ‘Our Marple Plan’Under the Localism Act 2011 local communities were invited to make what were called Neighbourhood Plans. Since 2016, Marple Neighbourhood Forum, a group of local volunteers, has been putting together a plan for how the town can develop, consulting local people and businesses along the way. If approved, the Plan will be incorporated into SMBC’s Planning Regulatory Framework for the town.
THEY NEED YOUR HELPIt is time for the Plan to be put out to formal public consultation. It is easy to contribute and there are just 2 simple steps:
1. Find out what is in the plan… Read their
brief overview of the consultation process and how to comment
Read a hard-copy of the plan at Marple Library, or
download a copy Attend one of the drop-in sessions in Marple Library on:
– Thursday 2 December 7pm-8.30pm (Not September as shown on flyer below).
– Tuesday 7 December 10am-12noon
– Saturday 11 December 10am-1pm
2. …then complete the online response form or pick up a hard-copy Response Form at Marple LibraryConsultation closes on Friday 8th January 2022.