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Author Topic: Stockport CAN Fund: get £500 to help your community  (Read 1881 times)

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Re: Stockport CAN Fund: get £500 to help your community
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2022, 07:42:58 AM »
Friends of Marple Memorial Park receive £1,550 from Stockport CAN Fund

I'm very pleased to report that Friends of Marple Memorial Park have been awarded £1,550 by the Stockport CAN Fund to replace our petrol driven gardening equipment (which will be scrapped) with cordless battery powered items. We understand that our application was the first "Upper Tier" one for a sum larger than the standard £500 received by the CAN Fund and also the first one to be awarded.

Thank you to the Stockport CAN Fund and Marple Councillors for supporting our bid.

Other local groups and organisations should think hard about how they can access this funding too.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Stockport CAN Fund: get £500 to help your community
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2022, 06:45:43 AM »
Stockport CAN Fund: get £500 to help your community

The Stockport CAN Fund is open to residents, community groups, not-for-profits and schools to get up to £500 for activities that help tackle climate change. Eligible activities could be anything from purchasing sewing machines or tools to enable repair, gardening tools and compost so you can grow veg, energy saving devices to make a building less costly to heat and power, equipment needed to run healthy cooking workshops, community events that increase awareness of climate change, and lots more. We'd love to hear your ideas for how you could put the fund to good use!

You might be a group of parents, neighbours, a community group or a registered charity - all are welcome! If you might be interested in applying, you can get in touch with for support and to arrange a chat over the phone.

You can read more about the fund and apply here:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website