The council's views are being sought on the development of up to 180 homes on the Offerton Sand and Gravel siteDC/086169 | Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Opinion request - Development of 24.12ha site, comprising maximum 180 dwellings and associated infrastructure adjacent to southern Marple Road area of site; ground remodelling; earthworks; drainage features; utilities equipment; demolition of existing buildings/structures; vehicle access via Marple Road; green and blue infrastructure proposals to northern and perimeter areas of site, to include woodland, grassland and wetland; footpath connections; together with incidental areas of greenspace and tree planting and formal children's play area. | Land At Offerton Quarry Marple Road Offerton Stockport SK2 5EU
The full report can be found by searching for
086169 on the Planning Portal: be of no relevance but but interesting to see that a development was refused in 1980 (search "Offerton Quarry") on the grounds of it being in the Green Belt.