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  • Christian Aid Plant & Cake Sale: May 13, 2023
  • Christian Aid Week in Marple: May 14, 2023 - May 20, 2023

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Christian Aid Week [14 – 20 May 2023]
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2023, 07:10:24 AM »
Posted on behalf of Marple Churches Together

Christian Aid Week 14 – 20 May 2023: Marple Churches Together
The story of Esther and her Pigeon Peas

Meet Esther and her grandson Nespo. There is something magical about Esther’s warm heart and everyday acts of kindness. Esther lives in Malawi, which is in the south-east of Africa. Its people are so friendly that Malawi is sometimes called the ‘Heart of Africa’.

Esther grows pigeon peas on her farm. These are no ordinary peas because with these Esther can bake delicious bread and by selling these peas, Esther can pay for her grandson to go to nursery and help her children’s dreams come true.

But just as they are here, the costs of everyday essentials, such as food and fuel, are going up and up. In addition, the climate crisis means it is increasingly difficult to grow many of the foods Esther and her family used to eat and sell. Often crops are lost to cyclones or droughts, or seeds are too old to grow well. Many farmers like Esther are exploited by big companies and don’t receive a fair price for their peas.

Esther is working with Christian Aid and others in her community.

Together they have:
  • formed cooperatives to secure a fairer price.
  • boosted the quality of the seeds they use.
  • added value by baking and selling bread made from pea flour.
  • built warehouses to keep peas safe from weather events.
  • even produced a pigeon pea recipe book!
Esther says: ‘We are a community that helps one another, if people face a problem, we do not allow them to suffer alone.’

So, if you could give to Christian Aid, you become part of Esther’s community of people who help one another and help make dreams come true.
For Esther and her community, pigeon peas are like the tiny mustard seed, growing the hopes and dreams of their children and grandchildren:
to go to school.
  • to start their own businesses.
  • to help their friends and their neighbours.
Churches Together Marple have set up a number of ways you can support:

Donate on - line by following this link: Marple Churches Together - Christian Aid Envelope

Use the familiar red envelopes which will be delivered to houses with details of donation collection points in your local area. We will NOT be collecting from your house.

Come to the Plant and Cake Sale on 13 May, 10 – 12.00 at Marple Methodist Church, Church Lane, Marple, SK6 7AY.

We thank you and hope that you will be able to support our fundraising by giving generously to help people like Esther.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website