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The Secrets of Mellor Hilltop DVD - 8 years of digging, 8000 years of History, which tells the full story from when Ann Hearle first noticing the crop marks in the dry summer of 1995 right through to the medieval discoveries of 2006. Using aerial photography, animated graphics and virtual reality reconstruction the film presents the succession of habitation from the end of the last ice age to the present occupants. It is available by direct mail order from
Mellor, Living on the Edge. Now available via Amazon, this book, which is the first volume in the new Manchester Archaeological Monographs series, explains the importance of the Mellor site and what the excavations have so far revealed.
Visit for more information about Mellor Archaeological Trust.
Breakfast & Best Bitter A lighthearted look at local history. The latest self-funded and self-published book by prolific local author Jack Turnbull. Price only £3.50
(Available from Marple Library, The Bookshop, Marple, or direct from Jack himself on 427 7020)
Click for more about this book and others by Jack TurnbullHistoric Industries of Marple and Mellor - O. Ashmore / Paperback / Published 1989
History of the Marple Gas Undertaking, 1845-1949 - D.E. Loverseed / Paperback / Published 1993
Marple - Steve Cliffe / Paperback / Published 1995
Marple and Mellor There are over two hundred photographs in this book, many of which have never been published before. The pictures of street scenes, events, people, shops and mills cover the area that is Marple, Mellor and Ludworth. - Anne Hearle / Paperback / Published 1996
Then & Now - Marple and Mellor In this book over ninety old photographs of Marple & Mellor have been carefully matched with photographs of the same scenes taken today. Those familiar with the Marple & Mellor of today will enjoy these fascinating photographic comparisons and marvel at the changes that have taken place. - Anne Hearle & Peter Clarke/ Paperback / Published 2002 Marple: A Nineteenth Century Failure? - Ann Hearle, Fred North / Paperback / Published 1996
Marple Hall: Bradshaws and Isherwoods - Ann Hearle / Paperback / Published 1996
Remembered Tells the story of the lives and deaths of the Marple Men who fell during The Great War. Full of pictures, newspaper cuttings and letters, Remembered gives a glimpse of the characters and personalities behind the names on the Marple War Memorial, as well as recording chronologically how each one made the ultimate sacrifice. - P. Clarke, A Cook & J. Bintliff / Published 1999 - Click for more about this book.
World War II Remembered: The Marple Men Who Fell The follow up to Remembered, this book completes the stories of the men behind the names commemorated on the Marple War Memorial. It chronicles the lives and untimely deaths of the 50 men of Marple who fell during World War II, and ensures that they are remembered too. J. Bintliff / P. Clarke - Published 2005 - Click for more about this book.
Samuel Oldknow and the Arkwrights :
Industrial Revolution at Stockport and Marple:
With Chapters by Arthur Hulme and George Taylor - G. Unwin / Hardcover / Published 1969
Macclesfield, Bollington and Marple Railway - Basil Jeuda / Publisher Foxline 1983
Marple Rail Trails - Warwick R. Burton, M.T. Burton / Published 1982
Midland Route from Manchester: Pt.1: Central to New Mills Via Didsbury, Stockport and Marple - E.M. Johnson / Published 1992
Railways of Macclesfield and the Line to Bollington, Poynton and Marple (Rose Hill) - Basil Jeuda / Publisher Foxline - 1995 This book comes highly recommended by local Railway Enthusiast Chris Thompson, who was responsible for the Middlewood Way page on this site. Follow the link to see what Chris has to say about it.
Railways of Marple and District from 1794 - Warwick R. Burton, M.T. Burton / Published 1983
Books by Local Authors |
See also Local History Section
Dreamscape A selection of poetry and paintings. Poetry is painting with words, rather than with brushes and pigment, this book tries to show the complementary nature of the two. - Joyce Reed / Publisher - Paul Bush, 1997
These Things Happen.... A collection of short stories, featuring new and prizewinning entries to competitions - Joyce Reed / Publisher - Paul Bush
(Available from local bookshops)
The Hand Glass With over a hundred poems published in literary journals or broadcast on the radio, her first collection of poems, The Hand Glass draws on a wide variety of subjects. - Frances Sackett / Publisher - Seren, 1995
'It could be Verse' is a new and amusing book of comic verse and cartoons. It combines the comic poems of Joyce Reed and the specially drawn cartoons of Joe Dwan in new and refreshing way. The book is only available from the authors, and can be ordered by sending an email to
Prince Brownie Stories
Prince Brownie's Rescue is the tale of a very special pony. Rescued from a life of misery, with care and love Prince Brownie recovers to become a champion show jumper and, most importantly of all, to meet Jane, who proves to be his greatest friend.Base on the timeless appeal of the friendship between a pony and child, Prince Brownie's Rescue is one of four books which reveal the adventures of Jane and her champion pony, Prince Brownie.
This series of books by mother and daughter team of Jane Wardle and Georgina Hargreaves (Illustrator) is unfortunately out of print but you can still get the odd copy second hand and there are several usually available at Abebooks.
"The Doodle Book" Doodle designs of countryside scenes, including several of Marple, by Georgina Hargreaves. Includes perforated pages that are easy to frame.
(Available from Picture Business, Stockport Road.)